Monday, May 14, 2007


Over the weekend, there has finally been some rain here. Though I haven't been out to the course yet to get a proper look, any soil moisture is going to help with the building this weekend. I was starting to consider using water from the lake to help bind the soils during construction, particularly the two berms we will be building.

The rain also reminded me that I hadn't done the wet weather plan yet. Overall the course is fairly well weather proof so the race would still go on but there are a few sections that would quickly turn nasty with some heavy rain and a lot of riders. I have now worked out a plan that reverses the new single track that is being built (Another good reason to build tracks rideable both ways), and keeps laps at about 11km. Hopefully it won't be needed but it will reduce the stress levels significantly in the week before the race

Cumulative time working on track: 21hrs

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